/BCO-DMO/OA_Krill/acid_base_Tbl1 --treatment_temp eq 3C-- Level 1

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#   Acid base parameters in control and treated Euphausia superba over 19 days
#   B. Seibel (USF), G. Saba (Rutgers)
#   version: 2018-05-03 [mean O2 consumption rates added]
#   	replaces version: 2018-01-23
treatment_temp    treatment_CO2    O2_consumption  
3C                ambient          nd              
time_elapsed    pHe     pHe_stderr    pHe_n    pHi     pHi_stderr    pHi_n    TCO2     TCO2_stderr    TCO2_n    blood_lactate    blood_lactate_stderr    blood_lactate_n    tissue_lactate    tissue_lactate_stderr    tissue_lactate_n    
0               8.19    0.03          4        7.19    0.01          18       13.57    1.41           18        4.95             0.58                    4                  26.53             1.10                     5                   
1               8.18    0.03          3        7.22    0.02          14       18.03    1.84           14        4.27             0.73                    3                  8.44              0.61                     5                   
6               8.20    0.03          3        7.18    0.01          15       12.66    1.08           15        4.07             0.52                    3                  12.63             0.93                     4                   
12              8.21    0.02          3        7.14    0.01          5        22.19    1.29           5         3.33             0.66                    3                  29.66             0.54                     5                   
24              8.15    nd            1        7.20    0.02          15       15.85    1.36           15        2.00             nd                      1                  14.56             1.26                     5                   
48              8.22    nd            1        7.22    0.01          5        14.21    1.38           5         1.40             nd                      1                  nd                nd                       nd                  
168             8.19    0.01          2        7.20    0.02          10       15.48    2.21           10        1.60             0.10                    2                  29.48             0.87                     5                   
336             8.21    0.03          2        7.19    0.02          9        15.62    2.27           9         2.80             0.50                    2                  nd                nd                       nd                  
456             nd      nd            nd       7.22    0.02          5        15.24    1.34           5         nd               nd                      nd                 nd                nd                       nd                  
treatment_temp    treatment_CO2    O2_consumption  
3C                high-CO2         6.62            
time_elapsed    pHe     pHe_stderr    pHe_n    pHi     pHi_stderr    pHi_n    TCO2     TCO2_stderr    TCO2_n    blood_lactate    blood_lactate_stderr    blood_lactate_n    tissue_lactate    tissue_lactate_stderr    tissue_lactate_n    
0               8.19    0.00          2        7.17    0.01          10       13.86    1.79           10        4.05             0.15                    2                  nd                nd                       nd                  
1               7.85    0.10          8        7.16    0.02          21       13.39    1.22           21        4.19             0.11                    11                 7.57              1.24                     13                  
6               7.98    0.11          6        7.24    0.02          18       19.85    2.36           18        4.56             0.11                    8                  16.67             4.11                     10                  
12              8.01    0.10          5        7.28    0.01          5        20.18    2.93           5         3.57             0.72                    3                  12.40             0.81                     5                   
24              7.78    0.09          6        7.17    0.02          21       17.40    1.17           21        3.55             0.23                    7                  7.78              1.46                     11                  
48              8.00    0.02          2        7.18    0.03          8        19.96    2.85           8         3.49             0.24                    6                  9.21              1.91                     10                  
168             8.20    0.02          2        7.18    0.03          5        7.98     3.22           5         2.05             0.55                    2                  nd                nd                       nd                  
336             8.20    0.01          2        7.19    0.01          10       15.62    1.48           10        2.35             0.35                    2                  nd                nd                       nd                  
456             nd      nd            nd       7.23    0.01          15       17.95    1.19           15        nd               nd                      nd                 nd                nd                       nd